
Homemade kajal/Kohl/kadige/eyeliner - DIY and Natural

Eyes have been celebrated as one of the most beautiful organ, Any song you hear be it in kannada, Hindi or English there are atleast 20% of those dedicated to eyes.
Even with my no make-up stance, Kajal is one exception which has always been my personal favorite, but thanks to my super sensitive skin most of the store bought one's used to either irriate my skin or cause dandruff. I later got to know that it is because of hell lot of chemicals in it, yes some of even the most expensive/so called natural one's I have tried.

So here is a simple recipe of kajal.
Ingredients :
1. Almonds
2. Castor Oil
3. Ghee

Step :
1. Arrange the setup of tumbler plate and a diya as shown below.
2. Now using fork hold the almonds to fire and allow it completely char.
3. Let the smoke from burning go and settle over the plate.
4. Once you are done with all the almonds(2-3 is more than enough for 3 months), use a drop of ghee to mix the soot to get the right consistency( Add very little as you don't want a runny kajal which will smudge) and put it to a box.
5. You can apply using finger tip or cotton bud.

1. Almonds and castor oil are great for eyes.
2. It is completely homemade and natural thus has no harmful chemicals, A great relief!!
3. Smell yum with ghee.

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