
DIY Rose Essential Oil - Homemade and Natural

I could call myself an oil person,My skin being dry it just loves oil. At one point I used to stick to plain Almond oil but then I wanted to experiment more, so started making my own light essential oils with coconut oil base at home.

Ingredients : 
1. Rose petals
2. Coconut oil( preferably cold pressed)

1. I got some nice deep red rose(about 20), I know the smell is to delicious but don't smell.There will be those teeny weeny insects inside.
2. Now peel out those petals and wash them once.
3. Keep these peels in sun for drying for a day, until all the water drains out.
4. Now use these petal and give a coarse blend in blender.
5. Mix this 100ml oil and bring it to boil (Make sure it doesn't char).
6. Keep this oil overnight when the oil gets all the goodness.
7.  Now using a muslin cloth filter out the oil and use the rose petals in your bathtub for you next nice bath.
8. The filtered oil smells a little different from fresh roses, more like some delicious sweet and it ready to use!!

1. Rose is a very good antiseptic.
2. Ofcourse the smell is very relaxing.
3.  It is very soothing on irritated skin.

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