
Copper tongue cleaner why and how

Word detox is one of the most happening word in the present day, So we are ready to pay thousands to get a detox done from external agency but if we step back and think , we don't follow some of the most basic everyday detox mechanism.

Our body is infinitely intelligent, The very body which knew how to grow from a single cell to how we are today, tries to detox naturally every single moment, One such mechanism is elimination in the form of deposition on tongue, Yes you read  it right, deposition on tongue  is full of toxins, it is known as ama in ayurveda, Ama is one of the biggest reason for a lot of diseases. Failing to remove tongue deposition has more adverse affect on the body than we can imagine, the reason behind is that when the colon does not reabsorb the waste of digestion, the toxin deposited on the tongue is reabsorbed by the body.

This was known to our ancestors and thus we can since time immemorial that it is followed as a ritual in india, where a neem/mango stem is still used to clease the tongue in rural india, neem being a good ani-bacterial explains it. Unfortunately we are not that luxurious in cities to get neem/mango stem everyday, Thus we resort to plastic one's or at best stainless steel. Although it serves atleast some purpose of removing the ama, there is a chance of bacterial growth, so there is a way :-), using metals like gold/silver.


I know after reading all this if I propose using gold/silver  as a solution you are going to kill me, So there is a very good cheap and best alternative : Copper tongue cleaner :-) , Read why copper is good here.It is easily available in most of the supermarkets.

Homemade Chocolate Popcorn

We all have a sweet craving time and again, but at the same time there is another part of our brain which is calorie conscious, which chides us from eating high calorific food, So here is a recipe which you can eat to your heart's content as it is low in calorie and can be made in ten minutes. Too hard to believe ? Yes but true. Read more about benefit of popcorn here.


Now the Recipe is here

Ingredients :
Homemade popcorn
Honey - As per taste
coconut oil(yes you read it right :-)) - 1 spoonful
cocoa powder - 2 spoonful

1. Mix cocoa powder, honey and coconut oil in a bowl
2. Blend it using a blender or whip or ever in small jar in your mixer, but be careful not to overdo, as the oil would bleed otherwise if overdone.
3. Now to this mixture add  just baked homemade popcorn mix it well until all the popcorn's are coated. Allow it to cool.

Now it ready to savour.

Let me know how it came  out :-).

HomeMade Chocolate Face Mask DIY

Cocoa is one of the best foods for skin, If what you eat is what you are is one statement,  skin being one of the biggest organ, what you apply on your skin is what your skin and in turn body will be. You can read more about benefits of cocoa here.
So in this blog let me write about one such luxury with cocoa that is quick to do and also easy on pocket.
Ingredients :
Cocoa Powder any brand  1tbsp
Milk cream 1 tbsp
Honey 1 tbsp

1. Mix all these ingredients into a nice blend.
2. Apply it on your face in circular or upward motion.
3. Leave it for an hour and then wash,I am sure your skin would look very well hydrated and super soft, Mine did :-).

Let me know your experience.